By Millicent Garama

In 2017/2018 Faraja Center continued to support orphans and vulnerable children.

The children frequent the Center to access food, reading books, playing materials and to socialize with one another.

Children crayoning at the Faraja Center hall

Children crayoning at the Faraja Center hall

During this period one of the girl who lost her parents was supported to go for vocational training in the polytechnic. In addition the Center was able to complement parents with resources in terms of school levies for three other children.

Faraja children were able to visit a small well watered garden to learn on environmental conservation including planting and caring for trees.

Children being taught at the gardens by Millicent

Children being taught at the gardens by Millicent

children playing at the garden

children playing at the garden

Children being taught on environmental conservation

Children being taught on environmental conservation

We enjoyed visit by our friends from Fargo and also visitors brought about by our friends Martha Richie, Beth Smith and the Brothertons

We appreciated support of one Diane Priestley who painted hall floor and together with Jason and reel they supported our website.

Hall floor painted by Diane Priestley

Hall floor painted by Diane Priestley

Our partneship with For the Good Organization has meant that our bright girls can also get to high school with the organization support.

Special thanks also goes to our guests who came and bought our bags to enable continuation of the children project.

Bags made at Faraja

Bags made at Faraja

In the coming year we will keep our doors open so that so that the children can continue to access their rights.

Kindly visit our website at farajacenterkenya.org and support a child.

come walk with us!


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