Faraja is a registered charity with the Social Services in Kenya.  The organisation was launched in 2003 with a Management Committee of 15 dedicated members and an Executive Board of nine members of distinguished and respected local leaders. The Board oversees the finances, operations, maintenance and good governance of the centre.

Board Members

Josphat Garama, David Mbae (Chairman), Justus Marangu, Millicent Garama, Rebbeca Mwotune, Eliud Tsuma, Ashford Kinyua

Josphat Garama, David Mbae (Chairman), Justus Marangu, Millicent Garama, Rebbeca Mwotune, Eliud Tsuma, Ashford Kinyua

David Mbae, Justus Marangu, Josphat Garama, Rebecca Mwotune, Assumpta Gitari, Millicent Garama, Hawkins Kinyua, Mugendi, Katherine Gatune, Eliud Tsuma, Garama Baya, Ashford Kinyua.


A Family Working Together

Faraja Founders, Millicent and Josphat Garama have three grown-up children, a daughter, Neema, who is currently studying Public Health in North Dakota, and two sons, Eliud, a graduate in Human Resources, and Peter, an IT graduate.

Garama and Millicent with daughter Neema at Faraja

Garama and Millicent with daughter Neema at Faraja

Brothers, Eliud and Peter at Mount Kenya National Park

Brothers, Eliud and Peter at Mount Kenya National Park